About Brother Bob
Bro Bob was born on Sept 21, 1931 and although he did not know that he was lost until he was 50 years old, the Lord had a plan for his life. He married his High School sweetheart in 1949, and enlisted in the United States Air Force and retired in 1971.
The Sheppard’s have three sons, two grand children and three great-grandchildren. Bro Bob was reborn in 1981, licensed to preach in 1986 and ordained in 1987. He never really felt called to Pastor but felt called to preach and evangelize. He has done pulpit supply, interim pastorate and associate pastoring but has never felt the call of God to accept money from the churches.

He preached on the radio in Mississippi, for about 17 years, and has taught Bible studies and related ministries. He is presently leading a small group in a home-church environment.
The web site titled: “Church Of The True Way” is simply another way to lift up the Savior Jesus Christ. Bro Bob has never been and does not intend to be “politically correct”; but preaches, “Thus saith the Lord.” He invites questions, comments and even Bible based disagreement; however he is never convinced by arguments that are based on hear-say and this is the way we have always done it.
Bro Bob believes that we have too much of man in most preaching of our day and man has never been able to save himself, so Bro Bob, believes that we need to go back to the pure Word of God that is preached and believed in the context of the whole Bible. He believes that just as the Bible teaches, the saved person has been re-born of God and is now a new creature with the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and teach and lead them. God always does a perfect work or He would not be God.
If you have any questions about any of the Bible lessons or would just like to say hello you can contact Brother Bob via email:Â bob.306@yahoo.com