Bible Lesson 186

Biblical Truths John 17:17

Jesus said in His High Priestly Prayer to His Father God, “Sanctify them by your Truth. Your Word is Truth”

A sacred regard to the authority of God ought to lead us to reject an error, however old, sanctioned by whatever authority, or however generally practiced. Spurgeon

This Lesson will deal with the Truths of God as written in His Inerrant Word the Holy Bible. That will surprise some who read this, it will irritate many who have thought to put truth to bed and believe what the culture they live in believes, and it will, put hope back into some who know that God is the Creator, Sustainer, and Savior of those who believe His Truths enough to obey them. Some will ask, well, how can we believe that the Scripture is without error, when men wrote it down and men make mistakes. Nice try, but what they have apparently forgotten is that our God is the God who created everything that we know, and this all seeing, all knowing, God is eternal, He had no beginning nor will He ever have an end.

As God breathed His eternal truths to these men who wrote down exactly what He wanted us to know, God maintained control of their minds and their hands and even the quills that they wrote with. God makes no mistakes, and we have used that Satanic idea of God allowing error to be written down in our Bibles to cause us to, in many cases, completely set it aside, and instead allow anyone who would, to make it say what agrees with their dark minds. If you believe that there are errors in God’s Word, then you have no route to salvation; because you can find no reason for your depravity, and hence you think you are fine just as you are. If we are free to deny the Genesis account of the Bible, then the remainder of the Bible unravels.

If you choose to believe that God created ‘something’, and over millions and millions of years that something evolved, changing into, first a single cell form of life, and then into the next stage and next stage, and finally a monkey and now a human being, who wears a three piece suit and teaches theology at one of the many Biblical institutes scattered over America, then you do not believe the Bible. If you don’t believe all of it, then you don’t really believe any of it. Strangely, some who say that they believe the Bible, allow their children to be taught the damnable theory of evolution (which for your information has never been proven).

If you don’t believe the Genesis account of the World’s history then you don’t believe in Marriage being between one man and one woman. That means that you are ready to believe in what we call ‘gay marriage’ between two people of the same sex. That means you are ready for marriage between a human and an animal.

We can’t have it both ways, God gave us marriage, and He, the Sovereign who spoke all that we know into being, so that the earth would be populated as He has designed. You set yourself against God and you may prosper in this life, but God has something for you in the Judgment where you will suffer for your sin for all of eternity. You may not believe in eternal Judgment, but that’s where you will have a never ending time in torment to think about what you believed and what you rejected. Oh, I know that those who want to have a fifteen minutes of ‘shady fame’, will jeer and point and sneer and call you names if you believe God and His Creation account, but that does nothing but mark them, as what God calls fools. The Greek Word that translates fool points up that they are senseless, having an unworthy lack of understanding, dull, morally worthless, deranged, a scoundrel. Does that describe your persona’ Are you a fool’ If you don’t believe the The Creator God, can and did leave His creation an Historical account called Genesis, then you don’t believe there is a God.

(Read Psalms 14:1-3), It would be useful to remember that the Psalms, including this one, was the cry of not only the choir, but of the congregation of Israel. Charles H. Spurgeon says “the Atheist is the fool pre-eminently, and a fool universally.” He goes on to say “denying the existence of fire does not prevent its burning a man who is in it, so doubting the existence of God will not stop the Judge of all the earth from destroying the rebel who breaks his laws.” There is an old proverb that says “A fools tongue cuts his own throat.”

In our modern internet connected world, we seem to want to think that if a fool can get enough additional fools to join their ‘blog’, that demeans and denies the Truth of the Word of God, that the sheer weight of numbers against God’s truth, will change what God thinks. Listen, you who think anywhere along that line, nothing changes God’s mind about the Bible. God’s Word is settled in heaven (Psalms 119:89). The fools of this world can take a bull dozer and dig a hole so deep you can’t see the bottom of it, put the Bible in the bottom and cover it over with reinforced concrete, and it does not change one jot or one tittle of the Word of God, it is safely retained with God, and every person, both wise and fools will be judged by it. It’s plain that preachers that I have called ‘patty cake’ preachers have convinced many people that the Bible is a collection of fairy tales, or little nice stories, meant to make the simple feel good about themselves.

The Bible is the inerrant Word of our Infallible God, Who is all-knowing (Omniscience) which means He know every thing, first, last and all in between, because He predestined it in eternity past. He is All-Powerful (Omnipotent), which means that there is no power unless He allows it, He alone is the source of power, and He is also Omnipresent, which means that He is present everywhere at the same time. Nothing escapes His eye, and every imagination of man’s heart is remembered. God is Great and Glorious, So Powerful, and the Source of life and light, that it boggles mans minds. We will never be able to gather enough adjectives together to come close to explaining God, but we don’t have to, all we have to do is to receive Him and believe Him to the degree that we will obey Him. So many of those, who major on the minors, want to argue that God could never create all we know in Six 24 hour days; when what surprises me is that He took so long to create it! He could have done it in one day, or half a day; however to demonstrate to His creatures the necessity of having a day to rest in which we should draw nearer to our Creator, God took what has been incorporated into our earthy lives as six days of work and one day of rest.

The Creator God, Elohim, Jehovah, The God of our Bible, is the only God, and there is no other. Many have been made up, but none left us His Written Word or gave His Sinless Son Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, to die on a cross to save those who would obey Him. Jehovah is the living God, the others are all dead, or never existed outside the minds of those who believe in them. It boils down to this’. If you do not believe all of the Bible, you simply do not believe in and on God, at least not on God’s terms. I know that some think that the Bible has to square with their darkened minds, but that is to pit yourself against the God who spoke it. The Psalmist, inspired by God to write Psalms 119, begins his writing by saying and this is the inspired Word of God, “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, Who seek Him with the whole heart”. God inspired this writer to write down for us that we are to walk in the way that God has laid out for us to walk, to seek Him with the whole heart. The whole heart points to our entire life, our heart here speaks of that special place within a man that dictates which way he will go, and who or what he will follow. How may of us can say without hesitation that our will, our energy, our minds and our constant desire is to follow the Lord and His Will, which we find only in His Word, the Bible. I want to stress again that most cannot say that because they have not set aside a time every day, to seek God’s will in the Bible. We have almost completely lost our hunger for the ‘Bread of Life’ found only in the Word of God the Bible.

Before you charge me with Worship of the Bible, let me explain that I do not worship the Bible, however, I worship the God of the Bible, and since He thought it important that we have it, I can assure you that He intends that we read it and study it and follow it. God left us the Bible, not to be viewed as containing little children’s Bible stories, because it must not be seen in that light. The Bible is the History of the Creation, and here we are in the 21st Century, denying the foundation on which that history is founded. Look at what those who would question God’s inspired and inerrant account of His Creation, have chosen to question. The serpent (Satan), and Eve found each other in that Paradise called Eden, and Eve began the same kind of conversation with Satan, as many in our day find popular. She wanted to know about something that had been forbidden, or that God had placed a warning sign on. Remember now, Adam and Eve were created in innocence they did not know good or evil. God’s Garden had every tree that was pleasant to the sight and good for food in the garden, along with the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the Tree of life, and He warned Adam that to eat of that tree would cause them to die. Apparently Adam was busy with something else at the time that Eve went to that Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, and the devil seduced Eve by questioning and causing her to question the Word of God about death being the product that would come from eating of the fruit of that tree. It should warn us about going against the commands of God, and God does not give suggestions, but we should take everything that God says in context, and as a command. What does the Genesis Account about God creating Adam and Eve tell us’ Well, it tells us that Adam was created first out of dirt or dust of the ground and breathed life into him.

Then God put Adam to sleep and took a rib and formed Eve, the woman. What should we take away from that’ Adam was first and so the woman (Eve) came out of man, and so the man has a position as leader and head of the woman. Incidentally, for all of you feminist (both men and women), out there, God restates that fact in Ephesians 5:22-33. It seems that the society that we live in today has decided to throw God out in favor of the uncompassionate and unloving thing that we call political correctness. Our politics can only be correct when they walk the way that God has laid out, and God knew what was best for His creatures and He never backs away from the fact that the woman is the weaker vessel, she was the first to sin and she tempted Adam. God in the curse after the fall, tells her among other things that the man will rule over her. Chapter three of Genesis tells us of the penalty that the first couple (Adam and Eve) suffered because of their disobedience to God. God cursed the ground because of Adam’s sin; but chapter Three of Genesis also shows us that where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound. Adam and Eve deserved death, but God’s grace set that aside at least for a time, by sacrificing animals and using their skins to cover Adam and Eve’s sin. They lost the paradise they lived in and were subjected to living by sweat, on the cursed ground; however they were separated from God (Isaiah 59:2), and they, who would have lived forever, began the process of death.

That should point out to us, that God never looks at disobedience (sin) as a minor thing. Some of the practical atheists who are attempting to savage God’s Word, should tremble at that thought. God considered the sin that Adam and Eve committed so serious that it has affected everyone born since that time. Those who read the Bible as something to be a document that changes with every culture that cobbles itself together are going to regret that they were so cavalier about God’s Word the Bible. They seem to think that we can negotiate with God about what will apply to them, but God does not negotiate. He sent His Son Jesus Christ, the Third Person in the God Head (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) to the earth to finalize His eternal plan to save people from every tribe tongue and nation, by sacrificing Himself on the Cross and dying for those who would obey Him (Hebrews 5:8-9). Those who hear God’s effectual call on their lives to bow the knee and receive Christ as their Savior and Lord and prove that by obedience, will be saved and no other.

Some of you who read this will probably say something like, well, if God has decided who will be saved, who will be saved’ We don’t know but we do know this, that those whom God calls, will bow the knee, and receive Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives and they will all obey God. Some will say that God is unfair because He is Sovereign in His Salvation and His Grace and Mercy, but who are you to say such a thing. God is Perfect and we are not, until we are saved, and that perfection is not of us, but of God. Most people, even those who are saved, have bought into the idea that even though they are saved they are yet sinners. That is to argue with God and you will never win any argument with God. The true Christian is perfect, because they has been fitted for heaven, placed in Christ Jesus who never committed any sin, and it is their commitment to please God by their obedience. As far as God being unfair, God cannot be unfair or unjust, instead He is the standard of Fairness and Justice. It is never yours to question why, it is yours to do or die and I mean die in eternal torment in hell, separated from God and without help or hope. That is the definition of the second death that our Bible speaks of. Unless we begin to preach that we must return to the Bible and God’s Paths to redemption, we will be charged with leading people to hell rather than to God.

Perhaps Franklin Graham hit the nail on the head when He said that those who are afraid to preach the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the truth are Cowards. I agree and even have said many times that they are ‘sissies’: people who act as if they would be nailed to a cross if they spoke like Christ. I guarantee you the many preachers began the ‘Political correct’ way of preaching before the Congress ever got into it. If that sounds harsh to you then you have proven my point about people either not reading or being afraid to preach the gospel, the way God gave it to us to preach. If you read Revelations 21:8 it states clearly that the “cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murders, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” There are many who are cowards, sissies and who find it impossible to bear the thought of believing to the degree that they would repeat the Words of their Creator. Listen to me now’.you will get no points for that from God.

What we call ‘church’ in our day can be compared to what we find the condition that Jesus found in the church at Sardis. It was a dead church that was ready to be either, revived or buried. There was a faithful few in the church that were saved, but God says that unless that church comes back to life and repents and obeys that He will soon ‘come upon them’, and that would not easy on them. (Revelation 3:3). Christ warning to come upon them was not meant to be understood any way but that He would come and punish them for their presumptuous sin. In this society that we reside in today it is evident that when a church begins to be prosperous and the bank statement begins to grow and the preacher begins to make the Word of God ‘acceptable to sinners’ and the roles grow, and there are worldly programs that keep the people so busy that there is no time left for families to function, and the world applauds that church, that they have found the answers to all of life’s problems and we have pleased God. However that is apparently exactly what was going on in the Church at Sardis, and we know God was not pleased with it at all.

That could be one reason that it is so hard to find anybody today that is not saved, or at least that thinks they are saved; because they have joined some church group. Joining a church makes you a church member”but joining Christ and yoking up with Him; and believing enough to obey, makes you a Christian. The Cheap Grace mantra has ruined the operation of the Church of Christ. It has caused those who listen to believe that being recreated by God, in Christ, doesn’t change anything except their final destiny. Hear me well now, church membership does not grant you an inheritance in heaven. You have to be saved and that means that the old nature of sin that you had is nailed to the cross of Christ, and a new creation is raised up that will walk in newness of life (Romans 6:1-14). Too often sinners are told that to come to Jesus Christ, which means to join their church, leads to easy street, with no problems, no pain, everybody loving you. That is far from the truth, because all a Christian is promised is that the world and the worldly will hate them. Jesus Christ speaks to us in John 15:18-21. The world hated Jesus Christ (God in the flesh), when He walked here on the earth with us and they crucified Him who had fed the hungry, healed the sick, restored sight to blind eyes and raised the dead. You if you are truly saved, (In Christ and conformed to His image), they won’t like you either. I know some think that Christ came to bring peace on the earth to make it easy on all of us. That is not true, and Christ tells us in Matthew 10:34-39, that He did not come to bring peace on earth, He did not come to bring peace but a sword. It is not easy to live the Christian life if you judge it by the world but if you know God in Christ, you have his spirit to protect you and enable you to obey and act like Christ, and that makes it a snap.

Let me close by assuring you that I have nothing against Christ’s Church, what I do have, is, a problem with is what false witnesses and false preacher have made it. It is not just their problem because so few will protest and so many have not studied God’s Word to find His Will, that they don’t know error when they hear it preached. We must prepare ourselves to know what our Creator has said and we need to stand on His every word. Think about this ‘

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob