Bible Lesson 248

God would not have us to be confused concerning His commandments for the life that leads to heaven. Hebrews 5:8-9

“Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.”

Salvation is not retirement; it is being active in the spreading of the Word of God. I know so many who think that they will just live their confession, but God has said, “Go, Therefore and make disciples of all nations,” Mathew 28:19-20
It is time or past time, for us to wake up, stand up and begin to know what God requires of every son or daughter that He saves; and that is that we learn for ourselves what God has said in his Word the Bible; and then be about doing the work of the Lord.

We seem to think and act as if Pastors are the only people who are called to tell others about the gift of God in His Son Jesus Christ. Most in our day are, and I hate to have to say this, but it is the truth, that most people who are church members are Biblically ignorant.

Oh, they may have perfect attendance records, but they do not know the word of God and most of the time they are not sure that they are even saved.

Religion has lost its identity, because the unsaved that inhabit most congregations, will not tolerate the truth of the Word of God being taught and applied to them.

We are for the most part playing church. We have hired ourselves a preacher that may or may not be saved and may not even know how to preach except the light versions that someone has taught them.

A Sermon delivered by a holy spirit filled man of God would rock their world and they want their little piece of heaven here on the earth, so just have the deacons warn the preacher not to dwell on anything that would be disconcerting.

What they want is for the preacher to stay away from their precious sins.
He can preach for a few minutes on Sunday after the singing but be sure that we beat the people in the other churches to the café for our dinner.

If you are not hearing that God hates sin, and that we must know and obey God in everything He has told us in His Word the Bible. If you do not leave every service either glad, sad or mad, then you probably have not heard the truth.

If you are not hungry for the Word of God and desire it just as you did your milk when you were a babe, then you need to spend more time reading and understanding the Bible or praying that God will save your soul.

We might as well face it, joining a church, and professing to know Jesus, but not being obedient to His commandments, won’t get you an inheritance in heaven. We are saved by Grace, through Faith and that not of yourself, it is all of God. We are told that Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

So, let me remind you that you should be a scholar of the Bible. How do you get that degree’ By spending hours on your knees before God asking Him to guide you through as you apply yourself to know how to please Him.

Christianity is the only lifeboat available to us when Christ comes back, so consider yourself warned and begin to prepare to know and obey Him.

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob