Bible Lesson 251

Walking In The Way Of Christ

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying “This is the way, walk in it”

“Walking is a lost art. Any pedestrian along a country road these days is presumed to be either out of his head or out of gas.”

Vance Havner.

This month we will look at what it means to walk the way we should and will walk, if we have been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Those who have been predestined and called, then justified and glorified are walkers.

I speak not of simply out taking your daily exercise but following the route of life that our Lord and Master Jesus Christ walked as He lived with us here on the earth.

First let’s be sure we all understand what we mean when we say ‘Walk’. I suppose the best understanding we can have of walk is to live and go about our daily routines here on the earth.

We must know Jesus Christ in having been born again from heaven. We speak here of salvation or bowing the knee and taking the Yoke of Christ upon ourselves. We must read and study the Holy Bible so that we will know How Jesus walked.

Now, it is not a problem for us to know how Jesus walked (lived) as He walked here on the earth, all we have to do is to study His Love letter to the human race that we find in the Bible.

We walk a certain way and because we are born dead in trespass and sin, we have to find the way that Jesus walked and walk that way, which is the way to The Father.

Jesus said of Himself that No One comes to the Father except through Him.

Remember now we are not studying about talking or questioning or arguing but we are talking about Walking the way that Jesus Walked.

Be careful when you decide to get in step with Jesus Christ because He states that if we begin to walk like, talk like and sound like Him that the world will hate us and the world will make sure we know that they hate us.

Don’t let that worry you because Jesus said that they hated him before they will hate us. Jesus walked a narrow way and we must walk that same narrow way from the time that He saves us until we die.

If you know the Lord and want to please Him, begin to walk that Jesus walk. Think about this as you walk with Him.

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob