Bible Lesson 256

The Heart of Man before God must be broken and contrite. (Psalms 51:17)

“The eyes see What the heart loves. If the heart loves God and is single in this devotion, then the eyes will see God whether others see Him or not.” Warren Wiersbe.

As we begin the month of October, we need to inspect, clean, clear and train our hearts to love God above all things. So, let’s begin by admitting that our hearts are often drawn away from God to the news of the day.

We tend to make what’s happening today rather than things that draw us closer to The One who gives us life to live each day. Most us do not spend much time thinking about our hearts but the heart that this month’s study is about is the thing that causes every action that we take.

I have a physical heart, which incidentally has been opened by the surgeons and worked on to repair a deficiency that I was born with. The heart that God deals within this month’s study, is the whole of those organs that push us to do either right of wrong.

That heart encompasses our nature and generally, at least until we have been granted Gods Amazing Grace in salvation.

Making decisions is dependent upon the state of our hearts. A heart that has adopted the ways of today’s lifestyle is normally a heart that wants and eye for an eye, and it seems that too often that heart seeks to get over on others before they can get over on it.

What a terrible way to have to live. Unfortunately, we are born with hearts that are dark with sin because we are born under the wrath of God. (Ephesians 2:1-10).

We are born with Adams sin nature, but we must not despair because God knows everything, especially the condition of our hearts. That is the reason that we must be drawn to the Scriptures, to find how to purify our hearts and be forgiven for our sin.

This is not a one-man operation it requires a contrite heart that is recognized as sinful, and an effort to purify and cleans our hearts and sincere faith in our God through Jesus Christ.

That is the task that is set before us in this month. Make sure you do your part to purify your heart by trusting in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ on our behalf.

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob