Bible Lesson 265
Life Happens Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Let’s begin by waking up and looking around us, as we consider who we are and what we are doing daily as we live on Gods Green earth. First things first, so, let’s come to the reality that we are alive on the earth and that God has given us things that we should do as we breathe His air.
We all know that there is a pattern to life on this earth and that is a person is born and grows into adulthood, and as we grow, we reach some level of knowledge. Life expectancy at the present time is almost 80 years. That might not sound like much, but it covers a lot of days and hours to be lived.
We are born into a world that has been fashioned by God’s creatures to make our lives pleasant, however as we live, we sometimes make bad choices and curtail our lives and make them uncomfortable. We certainly lose our lives in daily living. The average age is far less than that of those who lived in the beginning.
The God that created all of us has left His own Spirit, and the inerrant Word, that we know as the Bible, to show us the best path for our life. Have you and I been studying that Word to give us the direction of life that we need? Some have and are continuing to read and study the Bible to ensure that we please our Creator God.
There are untold millions in the world who refuse to read and follow God’s directions to the destruction of their souls. My prayer is that none who read this lesson have taken that road that leads to hell. Have you set your target as eternal bliss in heaven with God? If you haven’t found God: He still hears prayers, so fall before Him and die to your own desires and plans and obey all that He has commanded!
Consider how blessed we are as creatures, to know that the Creator of all things, breathed breath into our bodies and then set before us, all the wonder and beauty and peace that can be ours as we live here on the earth.
Most of us make life what it is for ourselves. Whatever life we form for ourselves on this earth will be filled with trouble, sickness, and eternal damnation; however, Our Creator God still hears sincere prayers.
Until next time,
may God bless and keep you
This is Bro. Bob