Bible Lesson 268

And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us – John 1:14

This month we will be dealing with scripture that tells us that Jesus Christ left Heaven at one time to come and walk among sinner here on the earth. If you are like me, you are probably wondering why He would do that; however, what we must remember is that He is God, and the only one that could pay that sin debt that you and I and the rest of the world had accrued.

Probably no human mind will ever completely understand that., but we must know in our hearts that we have a hope of eternity in Heavenly bliss, rather than eternity in the utter confusion and pain of hell, because He took it for us who would die to self as we live here on the earth.

He who had planned it all, set in place all that it would require including all that all His creatures would require to grow and reproduce. Only the God who could speak and have all we know appear, could have set the planets and the sun, moon, and stars in place, and then spin them each at the required speak to form our universe and keep it balanced.

Perhaps we all should think on these things and realize that we are His creatures and begin to learn all that we can about Him. This is the One who came and dwelled among us: and He is among us as you read these words.

Probably, none of us realizes what a great privilege we as His creatures have to set down the things that are truths about this the God of Creator…the creator, sustainer and savior of the world that we live in.

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob