Bible Lesson 269
Our subject for this article is Law or Grace.
Our subject for this article is Law or Grace. These are not subjects that are against each other but are both aiming at the same target which is obeying God. You may ask what I mean by saying that and at the close of this short lesson you will see that both Law and Grace are both from the same source, God.
We are all born under the law and most of us know of God’s Grace. That does not mean that we are all safe under God’s grace because we normally stumble around in a state of confusion as we live without knowing the mind of God. I can almost hear some of you shouting at me, what do you mean by that?
So, let me explain what I mean. First, let me remind you that most of the people that are alive today have not been taught to read and study and apply the words of the Bible. We are the most Bible illiterate people in the world because we do not have a set time and place for real study of the Bible.
We cannot go to church on occasion and have our ears tickled and think that we are going to heaven on that kind of teaching. Knowing God requires that we seek Him diligently and there is not a lot of seeking being done by most church goers in our time.
The most important thing that any of us can do is to put time and effort into our seeking God and finding others who are true seekers and bouncing our understanding of the Bible off of them; and of course, making sure that the church you attend is one that has a God knowing and God-fearing preacher, who is concerned for your soul.
Until next time,
may God bless and keep you
This is Bro. Bob