Bible Lesson 271
Marks of the True Christian
- They love One Another.
- They are led by the Holy Spirit.
- They obey the Commandments of God.
- They love the lost and try to inform them Of Gods Love.
(John 14:15; Romans 8:9).
Becoming a Christian, involves a death, and a rebirth for the person who is saved. God is not like a used car salesman who takes an old vehicle and spiffs it up. God puts the old man to death and raises up a new creature. This new creature has a new heart and a renewed mind and is now fit for the Kingdom of God (2nd Corinthians 2:15-17), What about you?
Has God done that work in you and are you a new creature? Everyone of us is born dead in trespass and sin, fit only for the pit of hell for eternity.
Perhaps we should dust off that old mourner’s bench in our church and make a place for sinners to leave their old hearts and souls and leave church with that heart that is now attuned to God.
We have pretty much been left adrift by preachers who fear their congregations or at least some in their congregation to the point that nobody or nobody’s life is ever questioned and there is no discipline in the church of our day.
Perhaps we need to look at our lives more closely and make the changes that will allow us to draw nearer to God. Think about that and draw nearer to God.
Until next time,
may God bless and keep you
This is Bro. Bob