Bible Lesson 275

Election /Reprobation

First things first; and the first thing that we must understand is that God has a plan for every life; and as we live here on the earth, we work out that plan.

It is difficult for any of us to deal with the concept of Election and Reprobation.  We are bound by God, to understand that before we even existed; God had either elected or rejected us; and He alone could do that’s because He is all knowing.

It is part and parcel of His choosing. He alone created us all, and He has given us direction in the Bible which will either be obeyed and give us favor with God or we disobey, and stand condemned by God.  We must understand that we serve a mighty God, who always has His way in our lives.

We are not created to run the world, but to obey the One who created the world and all of us who live here. Each one of us has a purpose which is known by God, and we should obey the Word of God as it was written by Holy men of old at the Lord’s unction. Have you ever stopped to think that the Bible was dictated by God and that when we read the Word of God it is God speaking through them, to you and I?

If were serious about our belief, and desired to please this mighty God that we serve, our nation would be drastically changed and improved. I am afraid that we as congregations and individuals, have been lulled to sleep by “easy believism” Preaching and preachers who may not understand that they are leading people astray.

Our job then becomes to make sure that what we preach is what God has said to us in His book, the Bible. In closing, I will ask you: “Do you really believe the Bible? If you do are you telling everybody that you meet that you love them enough to tell them the truth.

Yes, God elected some and left some reprobate; and He is the only One who could do that. What do you think about that? Don’t fear that scripture because God didn’t name names and if you are alive today, God still saves those who die to self and live for Him. The choice is yours!

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob