Bible Lesson 276


There is much  that we can write concerning the human heart, for it is the engine of the body. Your heart and mine pumps blood throughout our bodies.

Its job is to pump blood to all points of our bodies. We know that it is only about the size of your fist, but it  is called on to work day and night to fulfill its purpose.

Your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every day. 

Over your lifetime, your heart pumps about 1 – 1.5 million barrels of blood. For a visual, that’s enough blood to fill up three supertankers!. It would be hard to overstate its importance to each of us…..and we all have a heart. (My Mom used to tell me that I didn’t have a heart, instead she said I had a thumping gizzard.

That was when I had done something that I should not have done.. We all have a heart even though sometimes we don’t act as if we were tuned in to it.

In 2003 I had a heart valve replacement; however, I was blessed to be able to have a quick recovery and have not had any symptoms since. God always makes things that will work for as long as He intends for a person to walk on His green earth.

Remember, we are not promised tomorrow so we need to use every day in obedience to Gods Word the Bible. We would all be better served, and the world would be better off, if we all honored God and lived accounting His Word.  Think about your heart and and realize how hard it is working for you; and live a life that is close to your Creator.   In closing I would ask that you take better care of your heart and walk according to the One that gives us all a heart.

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob