Bible Lesson 278


We will look during this study at the word Holiness and what It means to those who are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We who follow and obey Christ Jesus in our daily lives, are called to be holy. For those who need to understand what that means, it means that our lives are to be lived as Saints (Romans 1:7). We read that in Romans but when God speaks it resounds around the world. Just because we find that spoken in the book or letter to the romans, it was spoken by God in the flesh and will stand forever.

When this was written it was written for all (including you and I today). I know most of you who follow these lessons know that, because we have Jesus Christ living in and through us. Jesus Christ, God in the flesh is our Holiness and we carry holiness wherever we go.

That should cause all who march under the banner of God to reexamine our lives and our daily walk. Let’s live every day with our intention being to walk holy.  

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob