Bible Lesson 279
We must look to our Bibles and find the truths of the Word of God and we will be looking at Philippians chapter 4 and verse 8 to find scripture for this lesson and that scripture informs us that the repository of truth is the Bible, the Word of God.
When we deal with Truth, at least the Truth of God, we are pointed back to the Scripture, the Bible. Why must we know the truth? We must know the Truth because our eternal life depends upon our knowing the truth and obeying it as we live here on this earth. We as Americans enjoy freedom and we are free to seek out the truth of the Bible as we live in this wonderful free country.
We must never forget that we are free because of our Almighty God who is Perfect in every way. We worship the Almighty who is Omnipotent, and Omnipresent. Further than that our God is The only God, and He lives in us and with us and for us every day.
He is THE way THE truth and THE Life. He alone is the way to the only reason for worship. He is our Redeemer, the One who left heaven and came to the earth with the purpose of dying on a cruel cross to pay our sin debt and free us from hell and destruction.
For those who know Him in the forgiveness of their sin, He is not only Savior, He their Father and their Friend. So, do you know Jesus Christs as your Savior? You can and you must, because He alone stands between you and hell for eternity.
You can know Him by first learning about Him by reading the book that tells about Him. We Recommend Him to all who desire to live for eternity with Him Paradise (Heaven)
Until next time,
may God bless and keep you
This is Bro. Bob