Bible Lesson 280


The way we get forgiveness for sin in our lives is first to repent (Stop, quit, don’t do it anymore), and then ask God for forgiveness. Repentance, properly defined, is necessary for salvation. Biblical repentance is changing your mind about your sin—no longer is sin something to toy with; it is something to be forsaken as we “flee from the coming wrath”  (Matthew 3:7 ).

We are born dead in trespass and sin ,and as we live and learn of our Savior Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit reminds us that we need to know and love and serve Jesus Christ, the One who took our sins and bare them to that cross, where The God Man took our place and suffered our  pain as he paid our sin debt. Think about that….The blessed son of God Jesus Christ volunteered to receive our punishment and suffer our pain to save us from hell.

Why did Jesus take our place on the cross? Well, it was because He was the only one worthy enough to represent sinners . If you or I were asked to make that same decision do you think that we would do what Jesus Christ did?

Of course, you know that we could not represent all of mankind, because we are just as them, sinful flesh.

The Good news is that Jesus Paid it all…..all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson, He washed it white as snow!

 We as people who have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, should show our appreciation daily by serving in His Army.

Before we leave allow me to ask you the question; Have you really repented, and have you really moved away from sin?

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob