Bible Lesson 6

We have seen over the past weeks, in the lessons that we have studied, that real Christianity is much different from what we have been taught over the years. We have not simply accused ourselves and others of being deluded; but we have opened our Bibles and read what god has said in his word, the Bible, and found it for ourselves.

We have found out that all of us, not just some of us, were born under the wrath of god. (Ephesians 2:1-3; Romans 1:18). We are all born, unfit for heaven and in rebellion against God, because of our nature, which we inherited from Adam.

We have bought into the “cheap grace” gospel that has been preached by so many for so long and we actually believe that we are able to reform ourselves if we decide to. Nothing could be further from the truth! We found out from Ephesians 2: I that we are born dead in trespasses and sin, and as dead men, who have nothing that can recommend us to god, we are lost and undone and going to hell unless and until god takes the initiative to “quicken” us and call us to himself in regeneration and salvation.

That’s the bad news! But that is not the end of the story, there is good news, if we will apply ourselves to seek the face of god and turn to his son Jesus Christ and his person and work on the cross on our behalf.

Yes, we are born sinners who deserve death and hell; but god has provided the only solution there is to our problem and that is faith in his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. You and I were born sinners and we deserved to endure eternal torment in the fires of hell; however god has made the way for us to become his children, forgiven, sanctified and justified and called to be saints. (Romans 1:7).

Now…. if you are as smart as it think you are, you are probably wondering what must I do to inherit heaven for eternity? The answer is that there is nothing that you can do to be saved!! God has done it all already, what you must do is to realize that you have a need, outside of yourself; and begins to seek the face of god, as you pray and agonize over your desperate condition, as you read and study your Bible. When you get to the place where god would have you to be, when your mind is off the world and sin and on god, then god will do that supernatural work of salvation. I would have you realize that this all has nothing to do with your walking a church aisle, and shaking a preachers hand, and repeating a prayer, and being made a member of some local church group. This is between the creator, and you.

I say that because we have confused church-membership with being saved and that is not a reality.

The first thing that most have to do in seeking god is to unlearn most of what they have been taught by well meaning teachers and preachers and religious books. There is only one book that can lead you to salvation and that book is the Bible. (Romans 10: 17)

When you read the Bible, you must really believe that you are reading the Word of God, concerning the Will of God, about your specific problem. If you are truly sincere about knowing God and having the assurance of your salvation, read the gospel of John; and then re-read it and continue to read it until the light of glory shows through and you feel the hand of God doing that supernatural work of recreation in your Life, then abandon every thing that you have on your mind and pray and ask God to save you. Don’t give up until the Holy Spirit assures you that you are saved.

Until next time,

may God bless and keep you

This is Bro. Bob