Consider This
The Hope of the World
“Plunged in a gulf of dark despair, we wretched sinners lay, without one CHEERFUL beam of hope, or spark of glimmering day.”
Today the church has reformed in many aspects and areas. The church tends to be a larger gathering, especially in the United States of America. European churches still are working through the issues listed earlier. However, there are numerous evangelical church plants that function without the common traditionality of Europe.
A church planting movement has been spreading rapidly in the African continent, the Middle East, and the Asian world. Due to persecution, these churches function similarly to the early church. They are small gatherings of devoted believers.
In contrast, the megachurch faces many issues of power, pride, and complacency that the later church faced. Many traditional aspects have been left behind, as the evangelical church is on the rise. There are still many distinctions in denomination, interpretation of scripture, and manmade concepts that are being held onto.
The church is neither perfect nor complete in any location. All have their downfalls and areas to improve upon. However, worldwide, we are seeing a movement of God in many spheres of society, religion, and political aspects. The global church is on the rise.
Worship in today’s churches mirrors and reflects the concepts of worship that the early apostles and believers held to. The American church is most challenged, in sacrifice and taking up their cross. Yet, we do see many believers who encompass all areas, or most areas well.
Worship is a consistent choice and dedication. Today’s worship should reflect that of the early church. The global church does not have to hold to the method of the nation of Israel, although it can learn from it. Additionally, the church does not have to hold to the concepts of worship that have been added to the faith. The church should continuously refine and edify itself with truth from the word of God.
When we think about the church we normally think of that building that we go to every Sunday; however, the true Church must be much more than a place to go on Sunday. It should be and must be, a place where we meet in the presence of God. The true church will always be the territory of God. We may use it for parties, political meetings, and other things however, it must be held sacred because it is where we meet with God. Daniel prayed “Cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary” Not our church, or our house, or our meeting place …but His Sanctuary!
The question for us today is not about their sanctuary, but about Our sanctuary. There are churches on every corner; but not much, other than the noise of what sometimes equates to sin. We have a Church to learn about and worship the Creator of all things, but over time, some may become welcoming centers for the locals to come and gossip. I’m sure that your church has not lost its bearings, but we should guard against it not being what God created His Church to be.