Our Beliefs
Welcome: Let me take just a minute to encourage you to feel free to send us questions, comments, and the like. We ask that you would filter all that we print through your copy of God’s word, the Bible.
We are non-denominational, “born again” followers of Jesus Christ; and we will always attempt to offer you the whole counsel of God. We believe that one of the greatest needs of our day, in spiritual things, is to help people see the need; and to seek for themselves the great truths of God. There has been a diluting or watering down of very serious doctrines over the years, to the point that people today have lost the concept of the supernatural aspects of true Christianity.
So what we are about is, to build the knowledge of God, “precept upon precept, line upon line” as God commanded in Isaiah 28:9-10. Coming to the knowledge of God is time consuming and requires that the person seeking God; “study to show themselves approved of God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”, 2nd Timothy 2:15. It is our hearts desire and our fervent prayer that you will dedicate yourself to follow us on line as we seek to point you in the direction of the cross, that place where our sovereign God manifested his grace and mercy and forgiveness of sin, in the body and blood of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, who died to redeem God’s elect from sin. Please prove all that we say from your Bible, so that you will be following God instead of us. We ask nothing of you; except that you prove yourself faithful to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Feel free at anytime to copy, or use anything that you find on this site. We received it from God for free and we make available to others on that same basis. In order to allow you to know more about what we believe; let me share some of what we believe here and now and we will continue to share our beliefs with you as we go week to week with our Bible teachings. Our purposes: to glorify God, as we learn the truth of his word; and faithfully follow in the footsteps of his only begotten son, the Savior, Jesus Christ. John 8:31-32 |
We believe the Bible so we believe that a person has to have some knowledge in order to communicate savingly with God. Romans 10:17; John 8:32
Note.. the Christian life is not an event that takes place somewhere in time; rather, it is a journey, that will take you through this life to that blessed hope of resurrected power when we stand with our Savior in heaven for eternity. Let me encourage you as Jesus Christ always did, to come and see, to make sure that you want to travel the narrow way. Matthew 8:19 |